Saturday, July 01, 2006

How the Jobs do Accumulate!

Yesterday I got started on moving plants (so moving the tree, see previous post, was not the beginning of this)--so that the workmen who replace our siding wouldn't trample my favorite perennials. It's not the best time of year to do so, since it's so hot and they get stressed by the heat if not by the move itself; besides some of them are blooming which is a bad time to transplant; in addition, I don't have a lot of flowerbed with dirt and no plants there yet (whereas strangely enough I have flowerbed area with no dirt and no plants--because we have not yet ordered a second load of dirt to fill an area where we put a landscaping wall to eliminate a slope).
Moving the plants is a big job. I had two wheelbarrow loads that I moved back to the back yard, and transplanted yesterday, and I have plenty more to go.
So today we were talking to Dean (the husband of Stacia, whose blog you may have read), and he started rumbling about how he is wanting to bring a small caterpillar-machine through the yard between our houses to fix some problems in his back yard. Not only will I need to move my perennials at that point, but he's going to rework the rock wall between our properties, where even though it's not our rock wall, it's on our side of his fence and he doesn't generally show interest in it. So I've planted it with flowering plants and weeded it, and it is looking pretty good (though it needs weeding again). Now, in addition to moving all my perennials from the flowerbed in the front of the house because of siding, and at the side of the house because of the caterpillar-machine, I also need to move them from the rock wall. This is a lot to do! Well, not so bad, in a way, because I do love to garden, and I could do it forever, and replanting plants is really what gardeners kind of live to do, and it will all look better in the end, but aaaagh. We have a lot to do. Why am I sitting here blogging instead of transplanting? It's the hot part of the day and I'm still recovering from transplanting our tree this morning. Maybe tonight. Hmm. I think I have the place for some of those things after all, at least temporarily--in the so-far unused portion of our vegetable bed, under the fruit trees, where it's shady. Yes, I think this could be a good thing. Hmm. I think I'm feeling a little more energized. Now where is that shovel?

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